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Mid-MO TU Newsletter November 2023

Writer's picture: Ty FiggTy Figg

President’s Message:

Dear Mid-Missouri Trout Unlimited Members,

Our next meeting will be our Holiday Party on December 5th at Rock Quarry House where we had it last year. We will start setting up at 6:00 PM and will have the photo contest at about 7:00 PM. As in years past significant others are invited and encouraged to attend.   This will be a potluck dinner so please bring a dish and/or desert to share and a beverage to drink. Paper plates, plastic utensils and table cloths will be provided by the chapter.  Information about and directions to the venue can be found here:

This year we are asking everyone participating in the Photo Contest to get a ticket.  

We are using this photo contest as a "test run" for the banquet ticket sales to ensure this online system works. We're hoping to work out all the kinks PRIOR to the banquet. 

If you are submitting photographs to this years photo contest, please take the time to purchase your photo contest entry tickets through the link below. This will significantly help us with our banquet planning!

The winner of the contest will receive the proceeds from the ticket sale as their prize.

The rules for the Photo Contest are as follows:

  • The photo must have a fishing, cold water fishery conservation or Chapter connection 

  • The photographer must be the contestant or an immediate family member.

Unfortunately, the Conley Street Hy-Vee is not making their club room available starting on January 1, 2024 so we will be looking for a new place to meet.

I won’t go over all the November meeting minutes which are included in the newsletter please read them for the other details.  

The Chapter’s biennial elections were held at the November meeting.  These are the results:

2024 MMTU Officers

President Doug Grove

Vice President  Travis Figg

Past President John Wenzlick

Secretary Bill Lamberson

Treasurer Ty Figg

Financial Reviewer Curt Morgret

At Large Board Members Lynn Kleopfer, Eric Cunningham

Alternative Funding Chalen Jackson

Conservancy Bill Lamberson, Sam Potter

Stream Team John Wenzlick

Education John Wenzlick

E- Newsletter Jeff Holzem

Web Master Ty Figg

Facebook Editor Ben Moore

Upcoming planned events are: 

December 5 – Holiday Celebration and Photo Contest

January 2 – 

January 27 - 10:00 AM at the Ragtag Theater in Columbia

February 6 – Mike Siepker, Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist

February 23 – Chapter Banquet at the Stoney Creek Inn

March 5 – (need a program)

April 2 – (need a program)

May 7 – (need a program)

June 4 – Hot Dog Burn

Hope to see you at the celebration!

Doug Grove

November Minutes

The Mid-Missouri Chapter of Trout Unlimited met on November 7 at HyVee East. There was excellent attendance with roughly 20 members and guests. After a lively social hour, President Doug Grove called the meeting to order at 7 pm.

President Grove proposed purchasing equipment and developing a tabletop display for illustrating Chapter activities at events. After discussion, Curt Morgret moved to authorize purchase of a TV with HDMI interface at a cost of up to $150.

Travis Figg led discussion of the Fly Fishing Film Tour scheduled at Ragtag on January 27.  Tickets are available on the MMTU website, but will not be promoted until closer to the event.  

Travis also described a trial run of on-line ticket sales before tickets are made available for the banquet. Those wishing to enter the December photo contest must buy an entry ticket for $5. Tickets will be available on the MMTU website. Winner of the photo contest will receive funds equivalent to entry receipts.

Curt Morgret provided a fundraising banquet report. The banquet will be February 23, 2024 at Stoney Creek Inn. Ticket sales will be handled on-line through a TU associated vendor and will commence January 1. Eric Cunningham will MC and Kyle George will donate auction services. Curt asked that members investigate donation of auction prizes.

Chapter officer elections were supervised by John Wenzlick. A slate of Doug Grove – President, John Wenzlick – Past President, Travis Figg – Vice president, Bill Lamberson – Secretary, and Ty Figg – Treasurer, was approved by acclamation. Eric Cunningham and Lynn Kleopfer were selected to be at-large board members.

Committee chairs were appointed as follows:

Banquet – Curt Morgret and Eric Cunningham

Alternative Fundraising – Chalen Jackson

Education – John Wenzlick

Membership – Mike Kruse

Conservancy – Sam Potter and Bill Lamberson

Financial Review – Curt Morgret

Webmaster – Ty Figg

Facebook – Ben Moore

Jeff Holzem – Newsletter

That concluded the business meeting.

Jim Washabaugh presented “Fishing the Missouri Trout Parks - writing of a book”. Jim described the process of writing his book and related anecdotes of his experiences in the trout parks. Many members had caught their first trout in one of the four parks. Jim’s book is available at T. Hargrove in St. Louis, on-line from Feathercraft and Amazon, and locally at Skylark Bookstore.

The meeting was adjourned by Doug Grove, President.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Lamberson, Interim Secretary 

Conservation Corner:

Doug, John and I enjoyed showing slides from our Colorado Flattops Wilderness trip to the Capital City club. Although most guys on the trip belong to MidMo TU, it was not an official TU activity. It was open to non-TU members and a friend from Colorado joined us. As I said at the beginning of the presentation, it is becoming less about catching fish, even though that is always fun, but more about enjoying time with friends sharing memories and making more in beautiful wild places. Of course, the increasing heat, droughts and floods makes it harder and harder for wild trout to survive in the West. I believe we have an obligation to care for creation. In fact, TU was founded in 1959 as a conservation organization with a mission "To bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon. What are we doing to take care of trout?

An easy thing we can all do is to ask congress to support permitting reform. With our limited grid, we cannot get enough renewable electricity. Wind and solar are now the the least expensive and they don’t pollute water and air. Reform is crucial because:

  • Recent laws passed, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Act will lead to big increases in solar and wind projects.

  • Big wind and solar projects are not near where electricity is needed.

  • Transmission lines are necessary to connect them. 

  • It takes an average of 7 years to build a transmission line. (4.5 years for approval)

  • Over 95% of projects awaiting approval are solar, wind and battery.

Please consider using this easy link to get a script to call 

The Missouri Stream Team always has lots of good information on our waters. We are so lucky to have four trout parts, Lake Taneycomo, winter stocking in warm water lakes and a few wild trout streams. Check out this recording of three speakers on clean water, Tim Gibbons of the Missouri Rural Life Crisis Center, a retired Research Engineer, who monitored streams in Iowa, and a teacher. 

Fishing Tip:

I have had some tough days at McKay casting into the wind. If you also have challenges with the wind, check out this video from Tom Rosenbauer. 

Keeping and sending articles and pictures for the newsletter. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Party. 

Jeff Holzem
Newsletter Editor
Ozark Council Climate Change Coordinator
NLC Climate Change Workgroup Co-chair


Doug Grove

Vice President

Travis Figg

Past President

John Wenzlick


Bill Lamberson 


Ty Figg 

Financial Reviewer

Curt Morgret 

At Large Board Members

Lynn Kleopfer, Eric Cunningham

Banquet Chairs

Curt Morgret

Alternative Funding Committee

Chalen Jackson

Education Director

John Wenzlick

Stream Team

John Wenzlick


Curt Morgret


Bill Lamberson


Sam Potter


Jeff Holzem

Web Master

Ty Figg

Facebook editor

Ben Moore


Interested in Joining Trout Unlimited?

Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect, and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

Join our community of 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to protecting, reconnecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon fisheries. Click here to learn more about the benefits of membership.

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