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Mid-MO TU Newsletter January 2024

Writer's picture: Ty FiggTy Figg

President’s Message:

Dear Mid-Missouri Trout Unlimited Members,

Our next meeting will be at Rock Quarry House at 6:00 PM and the business meeting will start at 7:00 PM on February 6, 2024. Information about and directions to the venue can be found here: 

This month's guest speaker will be Mike Siepker, Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist. Mike has spoken to us before and it is always great to hear from him about what is going on in the Iowa Driftless region, especially about the project that we have helped to fund.

Last month we had a presentation on climate change from Jeff Holzem. The presentation was well received and there was discussion after the presentation. Climate change is a major issue for trout in the future and this is an important focus for Trout Unlimited. Please take a look at the climate change page on the Trout Unlimited websites and There you will find information on climate science, the expected effect of climate change on trout, efforts to mitigate the effect of climate change on trout and Trout Unlimited policy on and advocacy to address climate change.

The Chapter Banquet will be at Stoney Creek Inn in Columbia on February 23 at 6 PM. We will have a great time of fellowship, good food and an auction. As usual there will be guided trips, fly rods and other gear available at auction.

A date has been selected for a trip to the Iowa Driftless region. The trip will be May 16-19. As in the past you will need to provide your own transportation, food and equipment as this is an event arranged by Chapter members but not a Chapter sponsored event. Car pooling is encouraged. Attendance is open to both members and non-members. We have reservations at All you need to do is show up but it would be helpful if you would let Curt Morgret know you are coming.

A trip to Colorado is also in the planning stages but we are waiting to see what the snowpack looks like before setting a date. Less snow means an August trip if there is a good snowpack we may go in September. The location for the trip will be the Flattop Wilderness near Yampa, Co. This is the same location as last year.

Tri-Lakes Fly Fishers will have their Expo on April 13 at the Benson Center in Clinton, Missouri. Doors open at 9:00 AM and admission is free. There will be more than 30 fly tyers, raffles, action and drawings. Tri-Lakes has offered MMTU a table and I will go there to promote TU and would like a few volunteers to join me. There will be time to enjoy the event too.  

Hope to see you at the meeting and banquet!

Doug Grove

Stream Team Level 2 and 3 Water Quality recertification

Monitors certified at Level 2 or 3 must be recertified by attending a Level 2 training every three years.

To register for a Level 2 or Validation training:

1. Highlight and copy the 4-digit Event Passcode listed by the training you want to attend.

3. Then paste the event passcode into the Private Event search bar.

Log in to complete registration.

All trainings are scheduled 9 AM to 12 PM. Instructions and details will be emailed prior to scheduled training.

  • Jefferson City 2/24 - Event Passcode 88DB

Help protect trout and their watersheds:

As you probably know, TU was founded to take care of trout. We do fantastic work on streams helping trout adapt to the warming climate. At our last meeting I showed a video by TU’s lead scientist that tells how we are doing it, Climate Change and Trout: Impacts, Opinions and Ways You Can Help You may be amazed at the success stories we have accomplished with adaptation. Unfortunately, habitat work alone is not enough. We must significantly reduce emissions soon. 

Hurry to get you tickets for the International Fly Fishing Festive this Saturday!

At the Fly Fishing Festival can see world class anglers in fresh and salt water. It will be at the Ragtag in Columbia starting at 10:30 January 27th. Doors open at 10, so you can get a good seat. Get you tickets here:

Our banquet offers a chance to socialize with friends and enjoy a great meal at Stoney Creek Inn February 23rd.

 You may even come home with the gear you have been looking for or a guided trip. Get your tickets here:        

Keep sending articles and pictures for the newsletter. Hope you enjoyed Holidays and I look forward to seeing you January 27 at the film festival and February 6 at our meeting. 

Jeff Holzem
Newsletter Editor
Ozark Council Climate Change Coordinator
NLC Climate Change Workgroup Co-chair


Doug Grove

Vice President

Travis Figg

Past President

John Wenzlick


Bill Lamberson


Ty Figg

Financial Reviewer

Curt Morgret

At Large Board Members

Lynn Kleopfer, Eric Cunningham

Banquet Chairs

Curt Morgret

Alternative Funding Committee

Chalen Jackson

Education Director

John Wenzlick

Stream Team

John Wenzlick


Curt Morgret


Bill Lamberson


Sam Potter


Jeff Holzem

Web Master

Ty Figg

Facebook editor

Ben Moore


Interested in Joining Trout Unlimited?

Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect, and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

Join our community of 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to protecting, reconnecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon fisheries. Click here to learn more about the benefits of membership.

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