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Mid-MO TU Newsletter January 2023

Writer's picture: Travis FiggTravis Figg

President’s Message:

Dear Mid-Missouri Trout Unlimited Members,

Our next meeting will be at the Rock Quarry House on Tuesday February 7. Social Hour starts at 6:00 PM and the business meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Rock Quarry House is in Rock Quarry Park more information can be found at the following link: The address is: 2002 Grindstone Pkwy, Columbia, MO 65201. This is where we had our holiday party this month. Starting in March we will be returning to the Conley Street HyVee in Columbia.

The presentation at the next chap

ter meeting will be a report on the Climate Change Subcommittee by Jeff Holzem.

At our last meeting Mike Kruse presented some details for an outing that is planned for the Yampa Colorado Area. The plan is to camp at a campground in the area in mid August. The most rustic campground and the nearest to the bulk of the fishing does not take reservations. So the question was raised do we need to have a reservation. Thanks Mike for the effort you have put into this.

A spring trip to the Iowa Driftless region was also discussed. This is preliminary so there are no details are available.

Next Curt Morgret presented information about Personal Locator Beacons. PLBs are means for getting emergency assistance when out of cell phone range and a satellite connection is needed. He has a Garmin Inreach Mini and so he was able to show us how he has used it. Garmin and some other brands have additional features such as the ability to track your position on a map on your phone and to send text messages. A mobile data connection is not needed to connect the phone and the PLB. Thank you Curt for the presentation. I know it will help me.

I neglected to mention at the meeting that TriLakes Fly Fishers has offered us a table at their Expo on March 11 in Clinton Missouri at the Benson Center. The table is being provided gratis. I would like to have some volunteers available to provide information about Trout Unlimited and our mission. I will be bringing this up at our February meeting. I have contacted Trout Unlimited and MoKan. I am expecting some brochures from TU National and have not yet heard from MoKan.

We have received an email about a Wisconsin resident traveling to Branson in August. He asked for some information about fishing in that area and was wondering if there might be someone interested in accompanying him. I provided what I know but plan to be away so I am wondering if there are any member interested in taking a fellow fly-fisher on fishing outing near Branson in August.

Doug Grove or 573-999-5114

Sad News about former MMTU members:

The Missouri fly fishing community lost a friend recently in the passing of Gene Kelly. Gene was a conservation professional and avid angler. Before retirement, he worked with our Chapter on conservancy projects to acquire and protect property on Missouri trout streams. In retirement, he worked part time at the White River Fly Shop for several years. Gene was a good guy, who did good work and was always a pleasure to be around. A detailed obituary on Gene's life can be found at:

It is with sadness that we note the passing of David Megahan, age 70, of Columbia. Dave was an accomplished taxidermist and leather worker as well as an avid angler. He had a special passion for fishing for trout in the creeks of Southwest Wisconsin with his bamboo fly rods and classic Hardy fly reels. Although not one to attend meetings, Dave generously contributed leather rod tubes, reel cases and other items to the chapter's banquet. David is survived by his wife Candy and son James.

Water Quality Certification Opportunity

Level 2 and Validation trainings

are combined starting Summer 2022. Monitors attending Level 2 for the first time will complete an online training prior to attending the in-person certification. A link to online training will be emailed after registration.

Level 2

The focus of the VWQM Level 2 training will be Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures to improve the quality of volunteer data. At this training, water samples will be analyzed in the classroom by monitors using their program-issued equipment. Attendees will also improve aquatic invertebrate identification skills.


Completion of VWQM Level 1 and submission of two seasons of data including biological, water chemistry, visual survey, and stream discharge.

Level 2 and 3 Validation Monitors certified at Level 2 or 3 must be recertified by attending a Validation training every three years.

Mountain Lion sighting in Boone County:

Climate News:

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides to NOOA $20M for TIU fish passage work. The funding supports projects in Washington State, California, Michigan, and Wisconsin.


Doug Grove

Vice President

Travis Figg

Past President

John Wenzlick


Nathan McLeod


Brandon Butler

Banquet Chairs

Alternative Funding Committee

Travis Figg

Education Director

John Wenzlick


Curt Morgret


Bill Lamberson


Sam Potter


Jeff Holzem

Web Master

Ty Figg

Facebook editor

Ben Moore


Interested in Joining Trout Unlimited?

Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect, and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

Join our community of 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to protecting, reconnecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon fisheries. Click here to learn more about the benefits of membership.

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